“If there’s one thing you can count on in a Tyler Perry film, it’s that a woman’s husband will run around on her with another man.”
Read More“Disney has displayed complete inertia in updating this franchise for modern audiences.”
Read More“The film is indifferent to inclusion, just as it’s indifferent to lengthy dialogue or complex characterizations.”
Read More“The stereotyping of Black and Indigenous men are made worse by the fact they never speak, nor do they have any backstories.”
Read More“It’s alarming that millions of young men are watching—and internalizing—this display of toxic masculinity.”
Read More“When an 83-year old novel is more feminist than its modern film adaptation, you know there’s something wrong.”
Read More“Women are aggressively objectified for the male gaze, while people of color are simply erased.”
Read More“People of color are picked off easily, like a retro horror film where the Black guy gets killed first.”
Read More“Dunkirk is a sensory feast with palpable nostalgia for an era before women’s liberation and civil rights movements.”
Read More“Women of color are either sexual objects or played off for laughs. For example, Mantis—found by Ego and raised as his servant and ‘pet’— seems to be written explicitly for the film to indulge in submissive Asian stereotypes.”
Read More“The Great Wall is about as literal to the white savior trope as you can get.”
Read More“The uncomfortable industry adulation that surrounded Casey Affleck—despite his confirmed abuse against women in reality—outweighs my ability to recommend this film.”
Read More“Middling film complete with nostalgic 1980’s throwback costume, music, and unfortunately, the racist and male-centric tropes of that decade as well.”
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